Tuesday 1 October 2024

In My Kitchen: October 2024

Will someone please tell me where September went? It was simply a daze of settling back into life in Paris, the beginning of G going to part time daycare and endless daycare-related illnesses - welcome to the real life G! I haven't been doing much cooking or baking since I have started studying in +++ mode for the specialist requalification exams in November.. 

one of our first breakfasts back in Paris, a pain au chocolat from the boulangerie downstairs (Eric Kayser) with coffee. sometimes simplicity is the best!

one of our first "to do" things back in Paris, a visit to our local Fromagerie Quatrehomme. here was some delicious blue cheese from somewhere that I've forgotten the name of! 

and life is short, why not squeeze in a millefeuille? the raspberry variety is delicious in summer. this was from the boulangerie near Cardinal Lemoine station which also has excellent baguettes

I got my sourdough son up and running (after it went to Australia and back with me in the luggage) to bake this black sesame loaf for my mums group, but we all got sick and couldn't go in the end!

Sourdough back to life for this chocolate babka, I bartered it for a high chair for G 

Another outing for my sourdough son - a jalapeno cheese pull apart bread, I didn't use the right type of cheese (only had emmental at home) and it was too mild, but warm gooey cheesy bread went down well anyway. 

It was for a baby shower for one of the mums in my group who is due very soon - we had a Mexican themed party, tortillas, dips, flan... so much delicious food and look at that pineapple upside down cake!

I thought this fruit platter was too cute with a watermelon "pram"

My dad is visiting us in Paris at the moment and he brought over some snow peas from his garden (illegal, I know, but French customs don't care!)

He arrived just in time for the moon festival, which we celebrated with our annual tradition of making Shanghainese style pork moon cakes. This year's rendition turned out really well even though I bought the wrong butter (reduced fat), the pastry was super flaky. 

I've been studying in the park sometimes, walking around with my flashcards for revision. And to reward my studies (fortunately or unfortunately) I've been visiting the patisseries near the park! 

I have a couple of mum friends who live near the park (looking down to Invalides) and we often go to Mori Yoshida together. This is their seasonal special... 

It's called Sicilia - a pistachio creme with light (as air) sponge base, a heart of cherry cream topped with confit cherries. The whole thing is glazed beautifully in the entremet tradition and dusted with crushed pistachios. And a rose petal on top just to be a bit more OTT. It was delicious!!! 

S' sister and her husband came to visit us from Brussels and brought this giant box of mochi from a special place in Paris. I'm so glad they went because it's hard for us to go to the cool spots in Paris with a baby in tow! These were the best mochis I've ever had, even better than the ones I've had in Japan! The skin was so thin, offering just the pleasure of a slight hint of chewy resistance before you hit the ethereal filling. The flavours were also incredible - matcha chocolate, yuzu, black sesame with blackcurrant... 

Now onto the curveballs.. Please if you will allow me two (because they are both a little bit food related!)

I thought you might be interested to see what French babies eat at daycare, the board is handwritten by the staff every week! If you zoom in, you see that they have the same structure for every lunch: entrĂ©e - plat - vegetable - cheese - dessert. I think this is how they train the kids to eat these elaborate multi course meals!  

and here is our little monster, who has discovered that the Recipetineats Dinner cookbook has pictures of dogs in it. He loves dogs, why do children love dogs so much? 

Sending this to Sherry who hosts the monthly IMK series - thanks for visiting and have a great month everyone! 

Wednesday 4 September 2024

In My Kitchen: September 2024

We had a wonderful August, split across several cities and catching up with lots of friends. I had written a wishlist before we went to Australia and I think we got to all of them!

Adventures in Darwin...

Saturdays are laksa at the Parap markets, I'm still a big fan of the original Mary's laksa... 

Afternoon tea treats (love a vanilla slice!) with members of my original string quartet - both the cellist and violist have family in Darwin so they organised a trip up to visit us. We organised some music sessions as well and got to play some Beethoven string quartets, the Schumann piano quintet and the Mozart clarinet quintet!

A market haul from Rapid Creek markets, my Sunday morning ritual. Lots of fresh veggies, the first mangoes of the season, tiny local bananas that G loved, and fresh rice noodles!

We were given this bottle of wine on the flight up to Darwin by a stewardess who just adored G and our crazy love story. She took it out of business class, wrapped it up in a plastic bag and slipped it to us! Also loved the mangoes in the NT 

Spicy charcoal chicken from Laksa House - an old Darwin favourite available only on Friday/Saturday nights. You can smell the chicken as you drive past on the highway!

A dumpling dinner we had, with a side of snake beans and some seaweed salad 

Back in NSW...
We had such a lovely time in Darwin, I just loved the lifestyle there and going to the beach for sunset - we made it for almost every sunset that I wasn't working, which was quite a lot! We finished our Australian trip with 10 days in Sydney/Newcastle visiting family and friends.

Hotpot at my dad's home - what a spread!

Fresh lettuce from my dad's garden

Snow peas from seeds that I saved from my garden several years ago - I quite enjoyed picking them off the vine and feeding them to the baby! 

A lovely takeaway lunch I had with a friend - japchae, kimchi, fish tofu, fresh corn and fresh salmon sashimi (the fish fingers and chips were for the kids) 

We went to Newcastle for a few days to visit my elderly music friend with whom I used to play piano duets and piano/violin duets often. We kept each other going during COVID when things were tough. She was delighted to meet my son and it was lovely to play together again! Here was a dinner she put on for us, lots of meat and potatoes and a cauliflower gratin. 

Fish and chips at the beach!

We also got together with some other music friends to play the Schumann piano quintet, and this was a vegan potluck dinner we had together afterwards - two types of salad, falafel and tabouli, a stirfry and some roasted cauliflower and pumpkin. Music and food go well together!

We finished our Australian trip with a monster 33 hour trip home to Paris - note to self, babies don't travel well! On the first leg to Guangzhou he didn't sleep at all and when he finally fell asleep at the airport, I ducked off to Family Mart to get this sushi "burger". That was the culinary highlight of our trip home... we are still recovering from the jetlag.

Curveball time

Simply, baby discovers mango at the beach. Not sure if he ate more mango or sand! He got his first two teeth in Darwin and started to practise walking - he's growing up fast! 

Sending this to Sherry of Sherry's Pickings who hosts the monthly IMK series - thanks Sherry and have a great month everyone!


Friday 2 August 2024

In My Kitchen: August 2024

Someone once told me that once you have a baby, time just flies - I confirm this is true!!

In France...

We started July in Paris where we were madly eating the remnants of our fridge before our big trip...

A maple shaped pancake with maple syrup to celebrate Canada day 

Lunch with the mums - burrata with tomatoes, couscous, tabouli and roast chicken (still in the kitchen at time of photo), olive bread, a giant potato and edamame salad from my fridge and banana cake. My mums group knows how to eat... 

A super delicious quick meal from our favourite frozen supermarket Picard - simply defrosted this makes a super more-ish salad with wild rice and quinoa, red lentils, smoked salmon, broad beans, cucumber and soft cheese. I know it sounds weird to defrost a salad but it's delicious!

A beer left over from before I was pregnant.. I didn't even know there was much French beer!

A giant pot of Korean style rice cake with tofu and veggies 

In Australia...

There's a bit of a gap in my photos for July where we were flying from Paris to Sydney (29 hours door to door... of which G was sleeping for a grand total of 3 hours) and then battling jetlag & hysterical baby. It was a quick stopover in Sydney and we came up to Darwin. We all got some pretty bad respiratory infection on the plane. Oh it was not fun. It was only after 3 days on the Australian continent that the hysterics started to calm... the tropical balmy weather helped too. 

Our first Saturday in Darwin we headed down to Parap markets for my weekly ritual of getting a laksa. I've forever been debating between Yati's and Mary's - this one was from Yati's... 

And the following week had this one from Mary's - can confirm Mary's is still the winner for me! Broth so much more flavoursome and more generous with the toppings as well. 

Also been stuffing in all the Asian food possible - here, kaya toast with eggs from the excellent Kopi Stop in town 

My regular papaya salad lady from Rapid Creek markets on Sundays is still thriving, when I told her she looked exactly the same as in 2018 she said I looked the same too! 

I made the Cyril Lignac invisible apple cake for my birthday, and decorated the outside with purple dragonfruit from the market. 

S went to Vietnam for 10 days and stopped by Singapore on the way back, bringing me these special Singaporean treats. I haven't opened it yet but maybe I will take it back to France!

I'm back at work and on a particularly depressing day I raided the cupboard for emergency chocolates..

The curveballs...

I have to have two curveballs this month because I just can't decide. We are in Australia for the European summer - I decided to come back to work so I can keep my Australian medical registration for now.. who knows it might come in handy if we decide to move back one day! Anyhow I love Darwin - it's my recurrent go-to place, also how this blog started in 2011. The top picture is from Berry Springs - what a lush tropical paradise, a warm 29 degree crystal clear spring to swim in.  And the bottom is little G, now 7 months old, having his first taste of sand on Lee Point beach at sunset. 

I'm sending this to Sherry of Sherry's Pickings who hosts the monthly IMK series. Thanks for hosting Sherry and have a great month everyone! 

Monday 1 July 2024

In My Kitchen: July 2024

Every month at IMK time I think: 

1. Where has the month gone? 

2. Wow I ate a lot of things!

3. How will I pick which photos to share? 

4. How can the baby have grown so much in one month???

Trip to Bordeaux...

This month started with almost a week in Bordeaux where S was invited to give a lecture at the university. I went along to explore and we spent the weekend in Biscarosse near the sea - it was so glorious to be near the ocean again! 

Bordeaux is the home of canelĂ©, here one made with pure vanilla (about 3x the price of the normal one which is made with vanilla essence!) 

The very cool wine bar on top of Cité du Vin (the wine museum) where you get a free glass of wine from an extensive selection

An incredible fruit & veg shop I found by chance in Biscarosse

Just look at those strawberries...

The boulangerie in Biscarosse did a raging business in the morning, I think the whole town was there. Everything I tried from there was as good as what one would get from the "fancy shops" in Paris - I was so impressed. This pain aux raisins was spectacular - absolutely stuffed with plump delicious raisins, so fresh the pastry was still crispy and shatter-y, often not the case because the creme in pain aux raisins makes the pastry soggy quickly. 

Back in Paris.. 

My sourdough starter son Barney turned 7 this week so we had a little challah to celebrate. He's lived with me in Darwin, Sydney, Newcastle, Toronto and now Paris. He's about to travel with me back to Australia again! 

I'm thoroughly enjoying this cherry jam from the "less sugar" series, it's a jar of chunky cherry pieces that goes perfectly on toast with butter or peanut butter.  

This black sesame Paris-Brest was to celebrate one year of living in France, from the famous Mori Yoshida patisserie which I walk past a lot but rarely enter (it's too fancy!)
It feels like I have been living in Paris a long time now, what a journey it has been with so many ups and downs... 

A random gorgeous raspberry I picked from a vine in the park

Little food presents S brought from Germany - the muesli is so good in Germany, and the peanut butter too

A hot chocolate from Angelina, perfect with a croissant. It's basically a cup of melted chocolate in which you mix as much whipped cream as you like. So indulgent!

Sourdough Hong Kong style red bean buns I made for a Sunday picnic in the park  

We finally got some new plates - aren't they gorgeous showcasing these Algerian sweets? S' PhD student gave his defence last week and as per tradition brought a feast

We are trying to get back into tortilla Thursday after I found the tortilla flour in Paris. Our new plates also match the colouring of our platter.

I'm in love with our local Les Saisonniers shop, a chain which aims to source food from <100km radius of Paris. According to the resident Italian S, this buffalo mozzarella was as good as it gets! 

This week during the heatwave I couldn't bring myself to cook so we had a couple of dinners of rice noodle salad (loosely from Recipetineats), here with a mountain of salad and smoked salmon. Fresh light and tasty, easy to throw together too.

The curveball this month is a double rainbow we saw from our window one evening, so rare in polluted and grey Paris. Just to remind us that one should look up often because life is special and precious. 

Sending this to Sherry who hosts the monthly IMK series. Thanks Sherry and have a great month everyone!