Saturday 24 March 2012

Dream: The one where Dr Majoni runs for US president

In this dream I am deployed to work in a developing country. When I arrive at the hospital it looks rather large, and not much like a shack at all. I go up the stairs and arrive on a ward consisting of one huge room and lots of patients lined up both sides of the room. Each patient has a number over their bed but the numbers are completely random (8 next to 42 next to 137).

Just as I am wondering how one finds the patients amongst this mess, I am distracted by the sound of a TV. I see that the US presidential election is on TV and there seem to be two main candidates - a Caucasian man and an African man. I look around and realise I am in Africa since most of the patients are African.

Suddenly I see Dr Majoni enter the room except he has a full head of springy curls a la Dave Stanton. I am so startled to see him with this hairstyle that I am somewhat speechless. Then I go up to him and say "Dr Majoni, what are you doing here?"

"My wife doesn't like my new hairstyle so I've had to move here by myself". He says and grins toothily as usual.

I look away briefly and when I look back, he has a new hairstyle with long, straight, shoulder-length hair and a slanted fringe falling into one eye, much like some fashion model. Just as I start to think how terrible this hairstyle is, I realise he is the man on TV running for US president!

Then I wake up

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