Thursday 27 June 2013

Dream: a cheating husband and the Epping rail tunnel

In this dream I come home to a house I don't recognise and walk through a living room that I've never seen before. There's a man in the room that I implicitly understand is my husband, and he is standing in front of a window looking out, next to the couch which is scattered with colourful cushions and throws. The house gives a cosy vibrant feel.

He turns and greets me, but there is a somewhat complex expression on his face. I go up the stairs and the second level of the house is a large loft. There's a huge bed in the middle of the loft and the bedspread is dark grey. I can see a sleeping woman under the sheets so I pull the whole bedspread off and she is sprawled on her side completely naked, her golden hair fanned out like a halo on the pillows.

Without any intrinsic thought in the dream, I walk away from the woman, still sleeping. I go back down the stairs, slap my husband, and walk out the door. We appear to be living inside a terrace with some steps leading down to the street.

The next scene is at a wedding, full of people and noisy happiness. I am standing with a flute of champagne in hand, chatting with Anne. She is counselling me about the merits of leaving cheating husbands earlier rather than later, but I'm not really listening. There are so many people around that my brain is distracted by all the sounds.

I want to go home, but my dad has already left in a car with our neighbours. Anne and I run into Hsiang, who says he will give us a lift. We walk with him to the carpark and he has bought a brand new dark burgundy Land Rover, which looks like a spaceship amongst all the other little cars. All Hsiang's Ruse friends appear to be there, crammed into the car. There appears to be nowhere for us to sit, so he drives off with his friends and we still have no way to get home.

Then Anne decides to get a lift from her dad and I start walking home. Shortly after I leave the church I realise my phone has lost its sim card and is showing a DOS like screen. Unable to call anyone to come get me, I keep walking in the general direction of home, wherever that might be.

Soon I come to a tunnel and it looks like the railway tunnel just before one approaches Epping station from the north. Not being able to see any way to get around the tunnel, I plunge into the darkness, feeling my way along the wall which is damp and slightly slimy. Several trains roar past, almost clipping me, but I don't care because I feel so angry in the dream like it would not make any difference if I died (what have I to live for? a cheating husband? friends who have deserted me?)

At the other end of the tunnel I can see light, but before I get to the light I enter a large room full of discarded old chairs and toilet seats. The chairs look like they've been used in nursing homes and the toilets are scattered amongst the chairs as if the original occupants of the room had to get to the toilet very quickly.

A middle aged woman enters the room and says, you won't be able to get out that way, let me show you.

How old is this place? I ask the woman.
Never mind, my dear. She says. No matter what happens, in a hundred years time everyone will see you the same way as you see this place.

With that cryptic comment she disappears into the darkness and I am standing in front of a wall. Even with my eyes adjusted to the dark and the dim light that is afforded by the end of the tunnel maybe just 100m away, I can barely make out any features of the wall. Feeling with my hands, I can feel several notches in the wall close enough together to be footholds.

I start climbing up the footholds, and after a few they come to an abrupt end. So I'm standing with my feet wedged into this wall when I realise the wall is so slippery because it's covered in urine.

And then I wake up.

1 comment:

  1. it's hard to see your true love take a different direction, hello everyone my name is maria luke I've been married for 20 years and one day my husband told me he couldn't continue our marriage because he saw another woman decide to ask help and discovered a person with my similar story online, how his marriage was restored and I feel it this will change my story, I live happily with my husband, just like when we get married, we strengthen our love for each other and I also discover that my husband had a negative influence, I am very grateful to this person for the help, if you need, whatsapp (+ 2349061570504)
