Wednesday 12 November 2014

Two trip dreams

Singapore airport
I get a phone call from Henry saying that he finally perfected the recipe for glutinous rice balls, and he managed to make both the skin and the filling just perfect. He says he is going to change the world with his rice balls and now he has something to contribute to the world.

Next thing I am emerging from sleep and the clock on the wall says 5 o'clock. It is semi dark in the room and I cannot tell if it is 5am or 5pm. I look around me and the room seems featureless.

I smell coconut milk and fragrant spices resembling laksa. I wonder how the rice balls have turned into laksa, then I wake up.

Nyaungshwe, Myanmar
The dream starts in a busy restaurant. It is quite atmospheric - the lighting is somewhat moody with flickering red candles on the tables, and there are large brass bordered mirrors on the walls reflecting the light.

I am there with a few high school friends and we are eating pasta. I can't remember what we discuss at first, but soon the conversation turns to the imbalance between rich and poor in the world. We ask for the bill and are told that this is a pay-as-you-like sort of restaurant. I open my wallet and it is empty so I ask one of my friends to pay for me.

Stepping out of the restaurant, a 470 bus arrives immediately and I get on. The bus seats are reclining and when I tilt the seat back, I can see an incredible number of stars. I am amazed that one can see so well in Sydney, and I start looking around for star formations I recognise. Then I see the milky way and I am awestruck.

I look up and realise that I am on Norton St - I missed my stop! I ask the bus driver to stop but he says that this bus doesn't stop. Then I wake up in a cold sweat.

In this dream Grace and I are on a foreign street with our luggage, and I don't really recognise where we are. We come across a suitcase abandoned on the side of the street, a large brown one with the handle up as if someone was wheeling it just before they left it.

We look around, it is a busy street and people are rushing up and down, there are some shops nearby but the people going in & out of them take no notice of the suitcase.

We discuss what to do with it. I want to just leave it but Grace says we should try to take it to a police station. We start walking down the street, and the next thing we know two thugs come out of nowhere and start beating us up. The violent bits are somewhat surreal as if I am out of my body, watching my body being beaten. I fall to the ground and curl up as I get kicked again and again. Then I lose consciousness and lie there like a crumpled doll next to Grace who suffers the same fate.

The next scene is a fly-on-the-wall where the two thugs are at the casino playing poker. One says 'I'm really good at poker' and the other says 'I'm much better than you'. They try to out play each other but the dealer seems to be doing even better than them. Suddenly the dealer pulls out a gun and I realise in a flash that he is the enemy to the thugs. He shoots both thugs in the head neatly, one bullet each. The sound is smooth and slices through the air with minimal fuss. They fall silently from their stools to the ground.

After that I am at a hospital, walking along a corridor. I understand that I am recovering from the attack, and move slowly, even a little gingerly. I come across one of my bosses who exclaims - I told you not to deal in marijuana! It's a dangerous business.

At that moment the alarm goes off and the dream ends. 

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