Thursday 11 January 2018

Barney 2.0

Barney had a near death experience when I went to Sri Lanka and the fridge broke while I was away. When I got back he had a thick coat of grey sludge on top and smelled awful - like a cross between rotten and uraemia. I gagged so much when I opened the lid that I almost threw him out, but I took him to the research fridge at work to have a R&R holiday.

I fed him with lots of fresh flour and sure enough, he came back.

Since Barney re-incarnated as Barney 2.0 he has made incredible loaves. Something about survival of the fittest must be the explanation - all the yeast that survived must be of higher quality.

I'm also enamoured with the sourdough book I bought - there are so many options online that I finally decided to get one of them. Emilie Raffa's Artisan Sourdough made simple is fantastic - it seems to work just perfectly for me.

 Barxmas - made with the "everyday sourdough" recipe from Emilie's book.

Barxmas is named so because I took him to the Christmas party at Jess's. Nothing better than freshly sliced bread, still warm & crusty with butter. 

Barrah - made with the "high hydration sourdough" recipe from Emilie's book. 

Barrah gets his name as he is dedicated to my extremely talented friend Sarah who had a dinner party at her house. Who knew four grownups (combined age well over 100) could have so much fun with board games! 

I'm still looking for those elusive humongous holes, but many have commented that the rise & crumb is pretty good already! Barrah rose really well and split right open.  He is a 1/3 rye, 2/3 white loaf which is probably my favourite flavour & crumb combination.

The next day I had Barrah with some homemade hummus, salad and leftover walnuts (too greedy with the next loaf). The best simple lunch ever!

Growing Barney for the next loaf.. the little one is to be Barbara, a gift for my friend going back to Melbourne.

Barberry was quite a handsome cranberry & walnut loaf. 

I mishmashed the recipe on figjam & lime cordial (the most amazing bread blog) and the one in the book. He is 1/4 spelt, 3/4 white, a handful each of cranberries and walnut, and a generous sprinkle of cinnamon. Needless to say the house smelled simply incredible as this baked. 

Barberry's crust was just the right chewiness and the inside was light and fluffy. I adore the purple colour from the walnuts and the sweet tang from the cranberries. Hands down the best loaf I've made so far! Viva la Barney 2.0!

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