Monday 1 April 2013

Two dreams: herbs for dinner, and a passage to a new world

Herbs for dinner

The dream starts with me standing in the corridor outside Henry's place. Everything looks totally normal, I knock on the door and he lets me in.

I note that there is no aroma of anything cooking in his house, which is very unusual as there is always some sort of nice food smell or other.

I sit down at the table and he brings two bowls of rice, which look ridiculously perfect - shiny, glossy plump grains of rice sit rather photogenically inside beautiful ceramic bowls glazed a rich dark brown. Strangely, the wonderful looking rice has no smell of rice at all, though there are slender tendrils of steam coming off them.

Then he brings a large claypot, which he sets in the middle of the table.

He lifts the lid off, and inside is a dark concoction of Chinese medicinal herbs. All of a sudden the smell is overwhelming, and I want to gag.

Then I wake up.

Passage to a new world
In this dream the enemy is coming. I'm not sure who or what the enemy is - perhaps they are aliens, or another country, or some sort of religious persecution. I have no idea but I know that they are on their way.

I choose to escape to the basement of my building. The carpark appears to have metamorphosised to a bomb shelter with two levels. The lower level is brightly lit and has a sensible layout of a central foyer with lots of rooms leading from all four sides. Each room contains a round table and a circle of chairs, enough for around 20 people to sit down. The upper level is a much more disorganised space, with mismatched sofas and lounges scattered about the place. It's dark and smoky, almost difficult to see to the edges of the room.

After looking at both levels, I go to the lower level and watch as people stream into different rooms. No one appears very hurried, and everyone settles down in their own space, laughing and chatting. I look in several rooms but know that it is not the right place for me.

I go to the upper level and there are perhaps 10 people in the entire room, which is a lot less than in the lower level. I sit down on a sofa and feel somewhat restless.

Then a man comes up to me and says: come, I will show you the way to the other world, but you must keep quiet.

He leads me to a narrow space between two sofas, and I can see a dark passage leading to light at the other end. I look around and realise that I can only see this passage standing in the exact spot where I am, and that it is invisible if I move just an inch to the left or right.

I follow the man along the dark passage and after what feels like an awfully long time, we emerge into a glass enclosed tunnel. All around us are trees, and it looks so strikingly different to the dark basement that I am awed by its beauty.

Here is your new home. The man says. This place is a hospital, but at least it is a beautiful one and it will be so very different to your previous life.

Geez, I think in the dream, I go all the way to a new life and I still have to work in a hospital??

Then I wake up.

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