Thursday 24 November 2016

Dream: missing a flower roundabout in the dark

In this dream, I am in Sydney and Ryan has come to visit. We decide to go to the Blue Mountains for a hike. The landscape is lush and green, just like it always is in the warmer months of the year. I don't remember much about the hike except us emerging from the trailhead.

We go back to the car and drive to a nearby microbrewery. I am puzzled that I'd never heard of this place in the mountains. Ryan drinks all the samples they bring us and becomes progressively more drunk. He is jolly as we get back in the car to drive back to Sydney, singing and laughing.

Suddenly I realise that the road is very dark. No cars are around. There are no street lights and the car does not seem to be emitting any light. It feels rather strange to be enveloped in dark, like a drop of darkness merging into a much greater pool of darkness. I blink and the colour of the black in front of me does not change at all.

Driving with my eyes open is the same as driving with my eyes closed. I think to myself and feel a little afraid, my heart quickening.

I listen carefully to the sound of the tyres, and all I hear is a whooshing sound that sounds perfectly even, moving forward. We are gliding stealthily through the dark, steadily moving forward. Not too fast, not too slow. But my heart has started pounding like crazy.

Suddenly Ryan stops his blabbering and laughter. The air is totally still in the car. A ding from one of our phones breaks the silence and he reads a message.

Turn left now! He says.
I swerve the car left and hear the distinct change in the sound of the tyres. We screech to a stop and I look out the drivers window. There, we narrowly missed a huge roundabout full of the most beautiful, luscious flowers. The adrenaline rushes through me and I wake up.

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