Saturday 31 December 2011

Dream: a drug ring bust by Will

In this dream I have bought a sky blue Nissan Micra. In the dream I shudder at my own poor taste - I think Nissan Micras aren't exactly the essence of style and am lamenting why I spent $20,000 on that car!

Anyway I pull up at the Woolworth's petrol station outside Casuarina. It's raining as I get out of the car to fill up. When I unscrew the lid, I see that the petrol tank actually looks like a big plastic bottle inside the car and the petrol just splashes in. I shake my head at the poor design and start filling it up. I look up and it only costs 70c/L! After a while I wonder how a Nissan Micra could have such a big petrol tank and decide to stop.

I walk inside to pay. The total is $54.25 and I hand the man at the till $55. When I get the receipt back and my change, I realise that the receipt is actually printed in Chinese and the items on it are completely random, as if I had bought things in a supermarket. Nowhere does it even mention the word petrol. I ask the man why I've been given this type of receipt and he says, just take it and go.

Suddenly it comes to me that this must be some sort of tax scam! I threaten to call the police and the man presses a big button on the wall. All these people immediately appear in the store and start calling things out over the PA system such that all the other cars in the petrol station scoot off quickly. I start to feel scared that I am stuck in this place with a bunch of thugs, but try to keep calm.

Then Will the ED consultant opens the door and he is standing there with his 5 year old daughter wearing a pretty pink dress.

"What are you doing here, Will? It's dangerous, you have to leave immediately!" I said.

"That's all right, I just came to save the day." He strolls in and picks up a candy bar for his daughter, who is very sweet.

"How? These men are really dangerous and they have guns!"

He hands me a copy of the NT news and says "The answer is there, as always, in the NT News".

I look down at the cover and there's a huge picture of a bunch of men being led away in handcuffs, and the title is Major drug bust in petrol station.

My spine chills and I wake up.

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