Saturday 18 November 2017

Dream: escape from boxes

This dream occurred in Sydney, during this strange blurry week after Thailand.

It starts in a house that I do not recognise. I am there with M and soon we see that the house will be open for inspection soon. He says we should go somewhere so as not to be in the way, so we go into the garage.

Inside there are many boxes stacked almost to the ceiling. We climb onto some boxes and sit there chatting. An older couple comes in with a tape measure to measure the dimensions of the garage. They ask if we will buy the house and we say no.

After they leave, I decide I want to get down from the boxes. I get to the edge and look over - the ground looks like it's suddenly very far away - 2 or 3 storeys? M is saying something which I don't catch - is he telling me to jump or not jump?

I feel afraid and my heart pounds like crazy. I psyche myself up to jump and close my eyes. All I feel is a musty stillness. Then I jump and wake up with a start. 

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