Wednesday 23 January 2013

Dream: Federer and the slushie parlour

This dream starts on a tennis court which I don't recognise. It appears to be inside a dark hall, where visibility is quite poor. I am standing behind a stack of chairs and other random equipment. I can hear lots of conversation and laughter reverberating in the hall, but cannot see well until I manage to move around all the junk. I see a whole bunch of people standing on the court chatting and drinking champagne, everyone seems to be quite excessively happy.

Suddenly the hall is flooded with light and someone announces that the game will start in 5 minutes. People scatter everywhere until Roger Federer is the only person left standing on the court, champagne glass still in hand.

"What are you waiting for?" He says, "you'd better start cleaning up or I won't be able to play!"

I realise that my job is to be the cleaner, and I start moving things as quickly as I can. First I collect and stack the chairs, then I scoop up food scraps and serving plates, putting them in a big pile by the side.

Finally there are just a few dozen champagne glasses left. I've run out of time so Roger starts the game, running around the court and trying to jump over the glasses. I dash in and out around him, trying to collect them without tripping him up or breaking any of the glasses. It becomes increasingly difficult as he seems to move faster and faster around the court until he is practically a blur.

I manage to get everything off the court, and breathe a heavy sigh of relief. I retreat to a corner of the hall and watch the rest of the match, which Federer wins.

Afterwards he says to me, "thanks so much for getting those glasses off the court, I could have hurt myself pretty badly." I'm not really sure what to say, so I just smile. Then he says "I know just the place, let's go for a cool drink."

We walk out of the hall and step straight into what looks like Darling Harbour. Across the way from the hall is a giant gleaming slushie parlour, complete with a dozen slushie dispensers.

The slushie parlour owner welcomes us and asks which flavours we would like. Roger takes out a ridiculously large golden key and says "I have the key, so we can have the magic slushie!"

He slots the key into place, presses a button and a technicolour slushie starts streaming out, flowing everywhere all around us and surrounding us in surreal colours.

Then I wake up.

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